Leadership and culture breakthroughs for the
big hearted
We’re here for the brilliant and brave learning to love leading and looking to lead with love.
Those with a vision that inspires people to come together and grow organisations from the heart.
This is your time - you’re needed right now - and we’re here to help you love leading your way, and to lead confidently with love.
We love working with leadership teams to:
❥ align around an inspiring and heartfelt vision for growth
❥ build healthy, harmonious relationships that bring joy
❥ consciously create and nurture an inclusive, thriving culture
❥ develop the leadership skills needed to keep the love alive everyday
So more passionate people take their place at the heart
of organisations and make incredible things happen
We love working with individual leaders to:
❥ get clear on the leader you are and want to be
❥ let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back
❥ develop the self awareness to work with your blind spots
❥ learn how to harness your energy and build powerful relationships
So you can love the leader you are and lead others with love

Leading with love means…
❥ holding a vision that inspires others to act
❥ being able to see clearly what’s needed when others can’t
❥ building people up to conquer their fears and push on
❥ bringing different people together to feel safe and valued
❥ holding the highest expectations and supporting others to meet them
❥ getting out of the way so others can learn and grow
So we can all bring our heart and soul to building organisations people love
Through years of leading organisations and supporting other incredible leaders to lead theirs, it’s clear that many of us who don’t identify with the attributes of traditional leaders need support developing the confidence to lead our own way.
But now, more than ever, we need those with different lived experiences, those that have taken different paths to get here, to lead us. We all need to bring our difference, our brilliance, and to re-write the rules of leadership. It’s time.
How we love to work…
Together, we’ll get to the heart of what’s really needed. We’ll get clear on the outcomes we’re working towards and we’ll be creative and clever with how we get there.
We’ll design the perfect combination of coaching sessions, workshops and inspiring retreats in beautiful places to unlock what’s possible together.
And we’ll do it all with love.

We’d love to hear from you
We’re always happy to chat about how we can help.
Call Nicole Bradfield on +44 (0)7955 068965 or email Nicole at love-leading.com.
Alternatively pop your details in below and we’ll be in touch very soon.